Early cancer diagnosis increases 4 times survival rate*
Early cancer diagnostic tests based on liquid biopsy concept, not only saves lives, but also bring significant reductions of the cost of cancer management in the health care systems.
*Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program (www.seer.cancer.gov) SEER*Stat Database: Incidence - SEER 18 Regs Research Data, Nov 2018 Sub. Includes persons aged 50-79 diagnosed 2006-2015. Data on file GA-2021-004.​
What is
liquid biopsy?
A liquid biopsy is a blood-based diagnostic test that detects cancer DNA circulating in the bloodstream, referred to as “circulating tumor DNA” or more generally "cell-free DNA".

Spin-off based on patent pending technology, developed at The Independent Clinical Epignetic Laboratory, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Poland.
We have proofed that our solution can be used to detect and classify a cancer using liquid biopsy. Soon to be published in peer-review journal.
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